To change settings of DriverToolkit, please click the 'Preferences' button on the left side of the main interface, and the 'Preferences' window will show up.
Run at windows startup
Run DriverToolkit automatically when Windows is startup.
Minimize to notification area when closing
DriverToolkit will minimize to notification area When you click the close icon.
Automatically check for new version
DriverToolkit will automatically check and notify you of new releases.
Change the language of DriverToolkit.
Scan unplugged hardware devices
Let this option checked if you want update, backup, or uninstall drivers for unplugged devices, otherwise you should turn it off.
Automatically backup installed drivers before update
DriverToolkit will automatically backup current installed driver before the driver update.
Match best driver for your PC
DriverToolkit will recommend the best drivers for your PC based on our intelligent driver match technology.
Match latest drivers for your PC
DriverToolkit will show the latest drivers for your PC. Only driver release date is considered in this mode.
Download Directory
DriverToolkit will download drivers in this folder.
Backup Directory
DriverToolkit will backup & restore drivers in this directory.
No proxy
Connect to the internet directly.
Use system proxy settings
The system(Internet Explorer) proxy settings will be used.
Use http proxy
Http proxy will be used.
Use socks5 proxy
Socks5 proxy will be used.
The hostname of proxy server.
The port of proxy server.
User Name
The user name of proxy server. Leave empty if no authentication is required.
The password of proxy server. Leave empty if no authentication is required.
This list contains excluded drivers, you can remove a driver from exclusion by click the [remove] button.
Enable scheduled scan
DriverToolkit will automatically run and check up driver updates for a specific period of time, and keep your PC drivers up-to-date.